Monday, February 20, 2012

Jeremy Lin: Will he continue his Linning ways?

Jeremy Lin over the past few weeks has captivated the world unlike anyone besides a certain "Tim," but they come from two completely different backgrounds.  Lin, a Harvard graduate, never got an opportunity after college to play in the NBA, jumping around to different D-league teams, seeing the court once in Golden State, and eventually being signed by the Knicks to try and solve their Point Guard issues.  Mike D'antoni's system is a pick and roll offense perfectly suited for Lin.  His system also includes the inability to defend players on the other team, and has been one of the most overrated coaches in NBA history.

While sleeping on his brother's couch in NY, he got the nod from D'antoni to start getting minutes, and since then has been averaging ~28 points and ~8 assists since taking over the point, but his turnover rate(nearly ~7 per game) is something to be concerned about.  When Stoudemire came back, the team didn't change too much, but with the imminent return of Carmelo Anthony, the team may see less W's in the win column.  Once he gets the ball, he shoots it.  Linsanity will continue, as it now even translates into Mandarin.

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