Monday, January 16, 2012

Jeff Fischer's coaching staff raises some questions

Jeff Fischer has officially been brought in to St. Louis to fix the mess leftover by Steve Spagnuolo and the virus Josh McDaniels, and he is already raising some eyebrows with his coordinator choices.

Brian Schottenheimer left the Jets after being 21st offensively this year with a mediocre Mark Sanchez and no running game to be found, but with a much better QB in Sam Bradford, and Steven Jackson, he has the pieces in place to have some success.  He can be a decent play caller, but takes a lot of risks and that's not what they need right now.

Gregg Williams for defensive coordinator?  Have you seen the Saints defense lately?  The only time he has success is when he gets pressure on the quarterback, but he blitzes way too much.  They miss tackles, are undisciplined, and ranked 28th or 29th this year in defense.  He has his hands full with a lackluster group of guys on defense, and i don't see much success there.

At the very least, the Rams will be interesting to watch next year.

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